21 July 2010

Berry Patch Farms

Good Morning!

Yesterday Sara and I took a little adventure to Berry Patch Farms in Brighton.  Now this is a pretty hoppin' joint seein as how it is only about 30 minutes outside of Denver.  They have it all, a small shop where you can get fresh picked veggies and "Pick your own" of berries.   A group of us went last week and picked pie cherries and red currants and while we were there they told us black raspberries would be ripe in a week.  Hence our visit.

As we approached the bushes they seem a little picked over, and as it turns out a little thorny (we didn't know).  We realized that if you looked into the bushes there were still plenty of raspberries left.  So, with blind and foolish determination we plunged into the spiney, evil branches that seem to have sprung up from hell. 

Black Gold

Tragedy only struck once...
Don't worry we picked them all up, we weren't about to give anybody any freebies.
 All in all, a little worse for the wear,
trying to figure out what is blood and what is raspberry juice
Okay, a lot worse for the wear, it was well worth it

Black raspberry and red currant jam here we come!!

And here is a checklist for future raspberry pickers
  • long sleeve shirt and pants
  • gloves
  • stubborn determination
Also for anyone interested in visiting Berry Patch Farms visit their site to find out what is in season.  The staff is super friendly and chatty.  Their shop has other fresh picked veggies from their farm available and well as guest appearances by other farms.  A near by ranch sells beef there and when we went there were apricots from another farm too.  With pic-nic tables and roosters running amok it is a great place to take kids to see all sorts of farmy things!

1 comment:

  1. Pete polombas Roadside Market is just a stones throw from berry patch farms. Pete's is where we found the Pickles, Dill, and Pimentos.
